Well, I was intending to continue my book study of True Love and write about the chapter titled Love is Being There. I sat down to type out my thoughts on the chapter FIVE different times. Each time I sat down to type out my thoughts, the phone would ring and it was a friend asking me how I was doing. I thought what a wonderful illustration of the chapter in motion. The basis of the chapter is that loving someone is taking time to be present, not just in body but mind also. So, if you are spending time with someone be completely with them. Don't let your thoughts or mind wander to other things but simply be present with that person. I want to take this time to thank my friends for being present with me both physically and in thought.
Thank you Marianne for the long walk, and talk over coffee. Thank you Chris, Nancy, Connie and Helen for keeping me in your thoughts and for taking the time to phone me to let me know I was in your thoughts. Thank you Fiona, Mary, and Dee for letting me know I was in your thoughts. I had each of you on my mind today and was so grateful you took the time to reach out to me.
I'm getting back into my cooking mode now. I haven't wanted to cook or bake for a while now because the person(s) that I typically want to cook for are no longer present in my life. But because of the wonderful friends who've remained constant in my life I am cooking it up this week! Log onto the blog for the recipes if you want to see what's cooking and even join me in the feasting! Or, if you just want to peruse the recipes and fix it up for yourself and your loved ones, GREAT!
Monday's Menu: Smoky Barbecue Chili! (Check the blog for the recipe YUMMY! or stop by Monday! - If you're on my blog address list you're always welcome!) Maybe warm corn muffins to go along with the chili. What do you think?
Thursday's Menu: Pork Chops with Plum Sauce and fried sweet potatoes!
Next Monday: My famous mac & cheese and a movie. I'm thinking "PS: I Love You." My new 52 inch flat screen will be installed. Can't wait ladies! It'll be a great night!
Take the time to be present in someone's life today.
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