Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Random Questions

"I'm out of work, I'm out of my head  Out of self respect, I'm out of bread I'm underloved, I'm underfed, I wanna go home
It never rains in California, but girl, don't they warn ya? It pours, man, it pours"

Not sure why those lyrics popped in my head but as I was contemplating the ideas I would blog about these lyrics came to mind. Random. 

  1. Why do cats always stick their butt in your face? My cat crawls up to me wanting attention. I begin petting her and she turns and sticks her butt in my face every time. I hate that!
  2. I'm considering getting a puppy, for several reason, I won't bore you with. I am partial to Border Collies. I want it to be a good companion for Sparky. I'd consider a Border Collie/lab mix. Does anybody know of someone who has Border Collie puppies?
  3.  How do you juice a pomengranate?  Do you juice the entire fruit, slicing it like a lime or lemon? 
  4. Do you have any good juicing recipes?
  5. How do you go about cutting down an arbivite that is about 15 feet high tearing my fence up?
  6. (This one is mostly for teachers) How do you cope with all the demands and stress of your job? How do you meet the demands of the district (assessments, PLC's, etc) and the demands of your students and the demands of your sanity all at the same time?  Do you, or have you ever just refused to complete some of the requirements of your job just to keep sane and remain teaching w/out sacrificing the needs of your classroom? I ask that last question because it is becoming for me at least, impossible, beyond difficult, but outright impossible to meet all the requirements of my job and still be able to teach. In order to teach I need, think time, paper work time, managing materials time, communicating with parents time, reading professional emails, reading professional materials, looking at my students work, thinking about their needs and ways to address them, looking at plan book ideas and so on, then planning lessons and preparing to carry them out so I can meet my students needs.
  7. To be continued.....

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